Friday, July 22, 2011

Pronunciation Guide for New Oregonians

In Oregon, we get a fair amount of transplants. It's always hard to fit in when you're new, but the Northwest can be especially tricky with it's tricky to pronounce city and landmarks. Here's a handy guide to pronouncing the most common names.

Oregon = ORE-y-gun (it doesn't rhyme with gone!)
Aloha = a-LO-a
Champoeg = shamp-POO-ee
Coquille = co-KEEL
The Dalles = the DALZ
Malheur = MAL-hyure
Multnomah = mult-NO-ma
Nehalem = nee-HAY-lem
Tigard = TIE-gurd
Tualatin = too-AWL-a-tin
Willamette = wil-LAMM-met


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